June 12-13, 2019
#16 | Buenos Aires - Novotel Hotel
Wednesday June 12th
Welcome to The Mobile Revolution Latin America 2019
Panel 1. New transformation for mobility: Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things will promote resounding changes
The transition to the 5G era, already started by Antel in Uruguay with the launching this April, will have artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) as stellar protagonists. In turn, these two businesses feed back and strengthen each other, by providing the connected AI objects the ability to take better advantage of the data and make decisions. Cibersecurity becomes a central concern facing these new businesses and opportunities. How is the rest of Latin America prepared to move from theory to action in 5G connectivity, and to incorporate IA and IoT in the productive system?
Natalia Pignataro, CTO, Antel Uruguay.
Sebastián Kaplan, LATAM Public Policy Manager, Connectivity and Access, Facebook.
Manuel Araya Arroyo, Regulation and Corporate Affairs Manager, Entel Chile.
Gonzalo García, VP, Fortinet South America.
Pablo Bello, Executive Director, Inter-American Association of Telecom Operators (ASIET).
Moderator: Mariana Rodríguez Zani, Director, Convergencia Research.
Special Presentation
Silvana Giudici, President, Enacom.
Coffee Break & Networking
Panel 2. 4G as a starting point for what is coming: current state of deployment and challenges of the transition phase
The development of 4G networks to evolve to the next generation is only one of the keys on the road to 5G. In Latin America, 4G surpassed 3G as the dominant technology in 2018, reaching 38% of total connections. In Argentina, 4G is expected to reach 90% of population coverage by the end of 2019. How are operators preparing the continuity of deployments, while rethinking the offer of services and their positioning for business cases such as automated vehicles, IA for the industry and health, connected homes and smart cities, among other applications that will be enhanced by 5G. The shutdown of legacy networks and the operation with different network technologies also pose challenges.
Martín Wessel, Technological Evolution, Telecom Argentina.
Marcelo Abreu, CMO, Antel Uruguay.
Agustín Garzón, Director, National Communications Entity (Enacom), Argentina.
Moderator: Sebastián Cabello, Independent expert.
Panel 3. MVNOs and the opportunity of a market niche in IoT
Internet of things can open a new range of business possibilities for mobile virtual operators. The specialization in sensoring, capturing and interpretation of data is one of the key areas to attend in certain niches. Opportunities and difficulties in projects launched in Latin America.
Luis Delamer, Director of Strategy, Regulation and Wholesale, Telefónica Argentina.
Eduardo Carozo, Innovation and Business Development Manager, ITC Uruguay.
Ariel Fernández Alvarado, President, Telecommunications Cooperatives Chamber (Catel), Argentina.
Moderator: Germán H. Rodríguez, CEO, Grupo Convergencia.
Free time for lunch
Panel 4. Industry 4.0: Machines and productive chains mobilized by IoT and IA
It is expected that IoT for industrial use (IIOT) will be the segmento taking the greater advantage of the benefits and capacities of 5G. In Latin America, automation is moving forward with the challenge of making better use of the data collected by machines, assembly lines and production chains.
Felipe Gómez Kempf, General Director, Bosch Rexroth Argentina.
Sebastián Storti, Head of Technology Services, Aceitera General Deheza (AGD).
Diego Casali, President, Cluster Tecnológico, Córdoba.
Moderator: Celedonio von Wuthenau, Head of Government Relations, Nokia Latin America.
Panel 5. The urgency of having infrastructure: optic fibre in the centre of the scene. Vaca Muerta: the great experiment
5G will force to install antennas of all types and sizes in as many sites as possible. The transformation of the networks to offer IoT and IA applications will involve disaggregation and open and service aware models, with architectures and layers oriented to different needs. All this accompanied by fiber optic deployments that support the lower latency needs of the new services. The first steps in the technological reconversion and the tests that are coming: in Latin America, Uruguay was a pioneer with Antel´s launching, and Mexico and Argentina have been highlighted due to their road maps towards 5G. The role of the satellite segment for the backhaul of the next generation of technology.
Diego López Calviño, Operations Manager, Davitel.
Cristian Panizzi, General Manager, Torresec.
Chris Carraway, director of Sales, Latin America, Phoenix Tower International.
Moderator: Eng. Carlos Bartol, Senior Consultant, Regulation and Public Affairs, Asiet.
Coffee Break & Networking
Panel 6. IoT, beyond sensors: from Big Data to Smart Data
Regional IoT business needs to evolve from Big Data to Smart Data, to improve the use of the information captured by the objects. And move from the focus on hardware to concentrate on software and applications.The Argentine market advanced in regulatory terms with the definition of bands of unlicensed use and for indoor use: how the regulation affected the operation of the segment, which could generate a 3.5% impact on the country's GDP growth in five years.
Ricardo Pérez, Director of Convergence and New Technologies, Undersecretary of Regulation, Secretary of Modernization, Argentina.
Emmanuel Jaffrot, CEO, WND Argentina.
Jean-Philippe Boulanger, President, EcoclimaSol.
Guillermo Freund, President, Electronics Commission, Argentine Chamber of Electronic Industries, Electromechanical and Lighting Engineering (CADIEEL).
Moderator: Danila Curotto, Editor, Convergencialatina
First session day Closing
Sponsors 2019
Thursday June 13th
Welcome and presentation of the second day
Special presentación. Antel at the vanguard: Latin America´s 5G pioneer case
The Uruguayan operator reached a technological milestone in early April with the first commercial installation of 5G in the region. What is Antel's vision behind this launch? The analysis on business models about the new mobile generation, its profitability and pending
Natalia Pignataro, CTO, Antel Uruguay.
Marcelo Abreu, CMO, Antel Uruguay.
Panel 7. Artificial intelligence: in search of a public policy
Argentina and Brazil work on national AI plans due to the expected impact on the productive system. Certifications, standards, a regulatory framework for intellectual property and responsibility for the use of tools are just some of the areas of work. At the same time, many of the first implementations take place at the state level: progress and obstacles on the way to an "intelligent bureaucracy".
Jorge Aguado, Secretary, Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Planning and Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology in Argentina.
Victoria Martínez Suárez, Business Development Manager, Red Hat Argentina for Southern Region and Central America.
Gastón Jeger, Head of Pedagogical Development, Robotics and Education Team, Rasti.
Mirta Iriondo, Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Computing (FAMAF), Cordoba National University.
Moderator: Luis Lazzaro, Coordinator, AI Uses in Public Management Postgraduate (Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda - UNDAV),
Coffee Break & Networking
Special presentation. ITC: Cibersecurity Strategy in IoT for Smart Cities
Eduardo Carozo, Innovation and Business Development Manager, ITC Uruguay.
Panel 8. Spectrum: time for definitions in the anteroom of 5G
At the end of October, the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) will start in Egypt, an instance that Latin American regulators await for their roadmaps towards 5G. What bands do the governments of the region postulate, the role of mmWave and the specific reserves for intelligent transport systems and other uses. In Argentina, the decree that made Arsat's frequencies available concentrates market attention, while definitions on the spectrum limit for mobile operators and the return of Telecom frequencies are awaited.
Oscar González, Undersecretary of Regulation, ICT Secretary, Modernization Government Secretary, Argentina.
José Aguilar Reátegui, General Director, Communications Policy and Regulation, Ministry of Transports and Communications (MTC), Perú.
Lucas Gallitto, Public Policy Director, GSMA Latin America.
Moderator: Edmundo Poggio, Consultant.
Free time for lunch
Panel 9. Mobile finantial services live their own revolution
The fintech community and 100% digital banks lead the transformation as the digital economy accelerates. 5G, artificial intelligence and concern for safety inaugurate new business opportunities, while resignifying the segment's value chain.
Horacio Tomás Liendo (n), Director (In Commission), Argentina Central Bank (BCRA).
Juan Pablo Bruzzo, President, Argentine Fintech Chamber.
Gastón Irigoyen, CEO, Fintech, Naranja.
Moderator: Amílcar Perea, CEO IN Switch.
Panel 10. Regulation of the digital economy: data protection, platform taxes and software promotion
2018 was a key year for security of information, with the entry into force of the Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) in the European Union, and the sanction in Brazil of the General Law on Data Protection (LGPD), which will begin to be applied in 2020. In Argentina there is expectation for the impact of the bill of Knowledge Economy. Throughout the region, tax burdens are being debated for digital platforms.
Mauro Busso, General Director, Software Industry Chamber in Argentina (Cessi).
Paloma Szerman, Senior Public Policy Manager, GSMA Latin America.
Santiago Gini, Regional Legal and Compliance Manager, OLX.
Moderator: Gustavo Giay, Partner, Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal.
Panel 11. Content in all its forms: Robust OTTs for the mobile experience
The technology and the platform - enriched by AI tools and enhanced in the digital home - become more important than the content itself, leaving behind the idea that "content is king". In Argentina, Flow is consolidated as an "entertainment supermarket", in an integration model that combines HBO, Fox+, the Argentine Football Super League and soon, Netflix. Latin America strengthens itself as a hub for the production of mobile content.
Felipe de Stefani, Senior VP, Pan Regional Ad Sales and Innovation, Turner Latin America; and General Manager, Turner Argentina.
Gustavo Castro, Content director, Telefónica Movistar Argentina.
Nestor Lasko, manager, Content Strategy and Management, Telecom Argentina.
Lilián Beriro, Content Acquisition Manager, Qubit.tv.
Moderator: Gustavo Mónaco, Business Development Consultant, Digital Innovation and New Media, 1984 Media Consulting.
Conclusions and closing of the conference