June 12-13, 2019
#16 | Buenos Aires - Novotel Hotel
About us
Grupo Convergencia is the most prestigious provider of strategic information on telecommunications in Argentina and Latin America. Since 1995 it has published Convergencia Telemática, Convergencia Documentos and the series of research infographics Map of Telecommunication Alliances in Argentina, Map of the Internet and Map of the Radioelectric Spectrum in Argentina, all materials that circulate by subscription. The company achieved editorial successes with magazines Telesalud and Móviles.
Its business unit Events and Conferences organizes annual networking meetings and debates on the new markets that drive ICT and focuses on training and updating professionals in the sector. Dozens of conferences have been organized on the technologies that generate disruptive trends in the industry. There are three events with more than 10 editions: NPlay Cono Sur, La Revolución Móvil Latinoamérica and Redes de Gobierno y Ciudades Inteligentes. The conferences stand out for the recognized prestige of their speakers and the high level of their assistants.
Convergencia Research has been the research and consulting division for 20 years. Among its specialties, what stands out is market intelligence, as well as the social impact and evolution of ICT. Formed by a multidisciplinary team with experience in the sector and in the region, it develops multi customer and Ad-hoc studies for the main operators and vendors in the industry with operations in Latin America.
Convergencialatina (www.convergencialatina.com) is the publishing unit that reflects the business of convergence in the Latin American market. Created in year 2000, it provides information, analysis and statistics to know and understand the strategic lines of regional players, technology and topics that make up the Information Society, covering Latin America and the Caribbean. It is published in Spanish and English. It has a saga of graphic products consisting of representative maps of the sector businesses. These are: Regional Players Map, Mobile Services Map, Satellites Map, Carriers Map, Media and Telecommunications in Uruguay Map, and Media and Telecommunications in México Map.